Saturday, February 28, 2009
For those of you who for some unknown reason haven't heard, BB is currently in
FIRST POSITION for IHC Aesthetics! (:
With the awesome house spiritxzxz and active participation of every BBian, we have gradually but surely risen from an initial fourth to our current standings :D
MUCH MUCH THANKS goes out to all BBians who participated in the IHCs, even if it means sending in an entry for Writer's Guild, because it was the combined entries from all of you that helped us win
FIRST for it yeah!! (:
To recap, here are the standings for all the IHCs!
Orientation Games - joint 3rd
Music Fest -
Bridge - 3rd
Chinese Chess -
Congkak - 2nd
Debates - 5th
ExoroGame Challenge - 4th
Film - 3rd
French Connection -
Gomoku - 3rd
International Chess - 2nd
Library - 3rd
Photography - 3rd
Rangoli -
RSN Amazing Race - 2nd
Shogi - 4th
Speakers' Week -
Weiqi - 2nd
Writers' Guild -
*Drama Fest (not yet concluded)
Thank you to all those who made
BBDays possible as well, especially BBQ! (: it was great to see everyone so enthusiastic about cooking and eating!! yupp, so keep this passion for BB burning okay! we've come a long way, and so we'll jiayou together in achieving more for BB!
BB FTW! <3
BBDays Finale
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Hi bbians!
These 2 days concluded IHC film, IHC photog as well as IHC writers' guild, the 3 mass participation ihc that many of you played a part(:
The results are as such,
IHC Photog! - 3rd
IHC Writers' Guild - 1st!
IHC Film - 3rd
This brings the overall house standings to
bw 77,
bb 74, mr 63, mt 61, hh 48
As you can see, bb is trailing merely 3 points behind bw!
With luck dramafest and musicfeste will help us become IHC Aesthetics champion this year(:
Lets keep our fingers crossed and pray hard ok!
BBDaysBut for something more tangible that you can enjoy, BBdays is ending (sadly) tomorrow.
OMG - 230 paradesquare
PAC OUR CHANCE TO WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP!the housed really wants to thank every single one of you who made this week so memorable for everyone(: to see you guys come down with all the riBBons for redemptions, laugh at our announcements, cheer when you hear bb doing well for ihc, or simply wearing the collarpins really really makes our day(:
love bb forever and ever, to infinity and beyond!:D
lets build a house of excellence together!
Labels: bbdays, ihc
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Hello again!
BBdays DAY 1!Firstly, thank you to all whom came down and literally lent us a hand for the BBanner(:
The response was really good
(even though it was dirty work most bbians were still very enthusiastic and encouraging(: )With some touchups hopefully we can unveil it soon! So do watch out!
(the blogger of this article sincerely believes its a very very very nice banner design, WELL DONE VIONNA and REBECCA HOE!(: )
MusicfesteYep, some of you have been asking why is yanru and natalie in the picture for musicfeste? *insert drumrolls* the composer and conductor of our bb musicfeste piece is none other than YANRU!(:
(insert evil comment about natalie just being there to fill space)3 interesting facts about our musicfeste piece(:
- VISUAL IMPACT for our music piece is unbeatable(:
thanks to our mf crew for doing up the props and decor!
- Our double bass person and violinist looks alike
- Pure AWESOME performance -- light-hearted and funny but also warms the heart.
Perfect way to end your week!
These are some BEE JOKES found by our BB ambassadors team to cheer your BEEZEE days up!:D Laugh hard, and savor all happy moments of your life alright!(:
what do you call a bee that hums quietly?
- a mumblebee!
what does a bee get at macdonalds?
- a humburger!
how does a bee get to school?
- he takes the buzz.
what are the cleverest bees?
- a spelling bee!
why do bees have sticky hair?
- because of their honey combs!
what TV station do bees watch?
- Bee Bee C (BBC)
what do bees chew?
- bumble gum!
What did the boy bee say to the girl bee on their first date?
- You look simply bee-utiful
who is the bees' favourite pop group?
- the bee-gees!
What is a bee's favourite classical music composer ?
- Bee-thoven !
bbhoused, bbambassadors!(:
Labels: bbdays
Featured OG: BB10 - O'rh horrr!
Hey BBians!
Sorry for the lack of featured OG updates if you've visiting the blog regularly!
A bigggg thank you also goes out to everyone, J1s or J2s who came down for BB Goes Green last Saturday and made it such a roaring success! :D Hope you enjoyed raking and weeding in Bishan Park! (:
Now for the featured OG...
BB10 - O'rh horrr!OGLs: Chia Ying Jing, Readon Teh, Koo Zheng Xuan

Message from the OGLs:O'RH HORRR! Hope you all are enjoying proper school life now, we know many many of you are missing O'RH HORRR a lot because you don't get to see your OGmates and also, your wonderful OGLs that often. Awwww :P But anyway, we wish everyone a happy life and remember that you have us behind you k! And let us tell you, the feeling is super good when we see you guys around in school :D
Short and sweet message BB10 OGLs!Please also note the BB events coming up realllll soon, including the last session of
OMG (27th Feb)
BBQ (27th Feb - most J1s should have paid for it!!),
MusicFeste (27th Feb),
DramaFeste (6-7 March) and not forgetting that these 3 days are
BBDays with lots of activities in store for you! (:
BBians have really been putting in a lot a lot of effort in MusicFeste and DramaFeste, rehearsing time and again till late at night, so we really hope for all BBians to support them and may the BEST HOUSE WIN! (and we all know who's the best house right?...) Let's go BB!! <3
Music Feste 09
It's a BBeethoven!
No, it's the Beeeatles....
No, it's BB-BEEdom!!
Catch our very own BB the BEE (Nigel Loo) who will be beatboxing alongside his enchanting kingdom of bees, trees and accomplished musicians in our ensemble of trumpet, guitar and more! They will be showcasing an original arrangement of music we all know and love from various genres be it classical, pop or rock with a medley that also tells a story. Don't miss this colourful performance! Come down to show your support THIS FRIDAY, 27th FEB, at the PAC! See you there :)
- your BB festival Ambassadors!
Amanda tew, Alicia Ng, Yvonne Lian, Wen wei(:
Labels: ihc
Students' Council (and the bb28ths<3!)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hello BBians!
As all of you know, council nominations have started already, hence the bbhoused is here to provide you with some basic information about council and what the title of 'councillor' truely entails(:
DEPARTMENTSCouncil has 4 departments, namely
1. CCA department:
2 subcomms, IHC and MSU.
IHC comm is incharge of organizing all ihc events, from publicity, liaising with ccals to ordering prizes and trophies.
MSU comm is incharge of match supports, all necessary logistics, GRIFFLES! as well as compulsory class ms.
2. Communications department
WUTW, teasessions, topic feedback
basically self explanatory, incharge of liaising and collecting feedback from the school population, dissemination of information as well as helping guide ccad and welfare in the right directions.
3. Welfare department
Services, external/internal welfare, action project unit
Services handle the hodge lodge, its logistics and manpower allocations
E/I W takes charge of individual council welfare projects such as MMM, homecoming, internal council outings/bday celebrations etc
APU is involved in acting on feedback gathered from commzd, such as canteen makeover etc
4. House Directorate!(:
Unlimited jobscope, easily the most flexible and demanding of all departments(: least people but lots of room to explore. Involves basically welfare, ccad AND commzd work on a smaller scale. For those truly passionate and driven about the house.
FUNCTIONSApart from department work, each councillor also has to choose one function to work on in their term. These functions are
1. National day
2. Teachers day
3. Grad Night
4. Open House
5. Orientation
6. Take5!
7. Council Camp
Function work is more seasonal and helps alot in getting to know more about your fellow councillors. If you get a great comm like this year's take5! (haha im so biased..) it will be super fun and exciting! (you might even get to stay over at pasirris park! and try out all the inflatables first:D:D)
BB councillors are in almost all departments and functions, so if you do have any questions/clarifications, please do just tag our blog and we'll try to answer them as best as we can(:
We await you to join the big loving family of bb house councillors!(:
<3! bb28ths
Featured OG: BB08 – O’oops I did it again!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hey BBians!
Firstly, and very importantly,
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH to every single BB-ian who has participated in the IHCs and pushed us up from our initial 4th to the current
SECOND position! BB even won 3 out of the 5 events yesterday! (: The House D and House Comm are really really proud of you all, so do give yourselves a pat on the back because we sincerely appreciate the effort and contributions that you have made for BB!(: Let's aim to keep this fighting spirit going on alright! BB all the waayyyyyy :D
Also, BB CIP is happening tomorrow! Aren't you all excited!?!? You will be involved in activities such as weeding and raking, so it probably will be a different experience for most of you! (: And it's pretty fun too, so do look forward to it!
To quote one of our House Comm members (during our dry run on Valentine's Day):
my love for you is like a weed - it grows forever, clings onto you, and you can never get rid of it! <3 [heh.]
Now back to our featured OGs, we have...
BB08 – O’oops I did it again!OGLs: Clement Hong, Koh Ping Fang, Chan Wenjian

Well actually even without saying anything, you know 3 of us ♥♥♥ all 21 of you to the max rightttttttttt! Even though Orientation's over already (insert one million sad faces here), we still feel so happy when we see all of you around in school!
From the pre-morning-assembly time when everyone is chionging dumb Math tutorials for no apparent rhyme or reason (like HELLO, FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL?!!) when us J2s are totally relaxing and hoping to spend some quality time with YOU ALL (hmpf!), to OG breakfasts/lunches where we camwhore at playgroundzx (ONE OF OUR FAVS), to just talking to some of you during our common breaks! Oh oh and totally not forgetting the mass convos where WEN srsly can't help laughing out loud and as a result get looked at weirdly by his parents. Hahhaha you all have no idea how much joy and laughter you bring to us :) :) HEEEE YOU'RE LIKE OUR CHILDREN.
CLEM FANG WEN :) :) :)
Featured OG: BB03 - O'ink!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
As we celebrate BB's steady climb to the top, here's our next featured OG!
BB03 - O'inkOGLS: Rebecca Hoe, Nguyen Duy Tri, Toh Yi Long

Message from the OGLs:HEY OINKIES!
Feels like forever since Orientation ended, but we're super glad to see your pretty faces sitting together every morning at the 'Ome (: Even though JC life gets tougher by the day, the bonds that we have made will always be stronger, and you can always count on each other to be there for you each morning (: And even during class time, it's awesome that we get to call out to each other across corridors!
It's so amazing that you've managed to come so far, but we had no doubt you guys were able to make it through Orientation stronger than ever! From the very first night when you guys really put in the effort to get to know the rest of your OGmates, both guys and girls :O till the last where you stayed to super late just to savour the last minutes of Orientation for a little bit longer. The late nights talking tonnes of crap over dinner at expensive-but-air-conditioned Food Junction, trekking around Singapore during EA with barely a break in between for lunch, rushing here and there just so you could get more points for the OG, singing tunelessly in the RI canteen while cutting ears and twisting tails, playing bridge endlessly almost all over the place, cleaning pink spray paint off the floor of the RI canteen… There's countless of ridiculous yet fabulously fun things that we did that we hope we'll never ever forget, and the same goes for you!
Thanks so much for being the best, most splendid and superrrr OG we could have ever asked for! Thanks for being so enthusiastic about everything, putting in so much effort for EA, dance, costumes, Valentine's day, people's birthdays, super lengthy mass convos… the list goes on and on, and it's all the tiny little things that you guys do that make us awfully happy to have the opportunity to be your OGLs! We love you guys to bits and pieces!
As Orientation becomes but a distant memory (which will be in the distant future, we hope), remember to keep our OG photo in your wallet and the rest of the photos on your computer so that whenever you get lonely and nostalgic, you can just whip them out and stare at our gorgeous faces. The stresses of school life can start piling up pretty quickly, but BE STRONG and just O'ink at any obstacles you may encounter! And remember, we will always be there for you, no matter what.
Forever your loving OGLs,
Trioink, Yioink and Boink
Labels: otiero
Will you be my Valentine?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hey BBians!
While the rest of you were having fun with your dates, the House Comm went down to Bishan Park to recce the place for next week's
BB GOES GREEN. While squatting around weeding and raking leaves were pretty intensive, it was extremely rewarding to finally be able to see the soil and the huge bags of leaves collected!

And in the Valentine's Day spirit, why not some CIP pick-up lines?
My love for you is like a weed.
It grows forever.
You can't get rid of it.
I cling to you.
Can you think of any more?
Labels: cip
Featured OG: BB07 - O'utwitOutplayOutlast
Monday, February 16, 2009
Hello BBians (:
Hope everyone's geared up for the IHC season!! (: anyway, back to our daily featured OGs, next up, we have...
BB07 - O'utwitOutplayOutlast!OGLS: Louis Lim, Ngai Kuo Ying, Sadikin

Message from the OGLs:BB07 SURVIVORS!!! =D Don't you guys miss Orientation? Well, your OGLs sure do! (: More than being able to skip lessons to have fun, we miss hanging out with you guys! ): (hint hint: OG OUTINGS! xD)
Really, like we've already told you many times over, you guys have been such an awesome bunch of OGlings; we couldn't have asked for anyone better! (:
Right from Day 1, although you guys started out as relative strangers and naturally, were still rather shy and quiet, in the way you interacted with each other, you managed to erase any doubts and apprehension that we initially had about the OG - how it may not be bonded, unenthusiastic and essentially, like an OGL's greatest nightmare - dead. But of course, you guys gave us no cause for concern and turned out so different - worlds apart in fact! And in an absolutely good way. (:
Thank you for being ever-so enthusiastic and happening and fabulous and wonderful and awesome and not forgetting - retardedly amusing and entertaining. =D You really made O'tiero an amazing experience (though exhausting, but hey, you guys made it all worth it) for us! (((:
And of course, throughout Orientation and in all the activities, especially Station Games, War Games & External Activity, thank you for putting in your all and for taking the initiative to formulate strategies and encouraging each other, including your OGLs as well! Like how you were so pumped up for all the War Games, emerging 1st in two of three games we played. (well, we all know what happened to the other game...) That's a fitting testament of your efforts! xD
It's really really really heartwarming to see you guys so passionate and enthusiastic about the House. And thank you for being so patient and co-operative with us; we really appreciate it.
Well, treasure your short two years in JC, cos if you haven't realised, two years is a really short time and it passes soooo quickly. Just like how us OGls actually feel as though our own Orientation was just yesterday. And now, we're drowning in our school work. =/ So please, enjoy your J1 year as much as you can, cos once it's gone, it's believe it's gone forever...
We really hope that you guys stay close and bonded as an OG, even after we've graduated. Afterall, these were the very people you first got acquainted with in RI(JC). And that'd really be awesome, so please make it happen alright! (:
And if you guys need help, remember that there are always the other 18 of you to turn to, and the 3 of us OGLs as well. (:
BB07 - O'utwitOutplayOutlast! (:
Angel, Cheryl, Eleanor, Jacqueline, Karishma, Neerajha, Ling Min, Sirada, Vanessa, Ziyi, Fared, Johnathan, Jon Lim, Joseph, Jian Hang, Mark, Sng Yi, Yi Shu, Jun Sean,
Your (crazy) OGLS
Louis, Kuo Ying & Sadikin
Featured OG: BB12 – O’hnowe’verunoutofOGnames
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hey BB-ians!
While all of you might be frantically signing up for IHCs to help our awesome house win this year, the OGs are still being featured every (other) day at least! So do still look out for messages from your OGLs!
But before this, please read this very important announcement!! As you should know already,
BB CIP is going to be on the
21st Feb 8am-12pm, so you MUSTTTT keep that date free and go greeeeen, especially if you have paid $10 during Orientation because it includes the CIP as well! So its going to be your loss if you dont attend!! I'll probably be posting up photos of our BB CIP dry run so that you all can have a sneak peak on what's happening on the 21st! :D
Okay! So now, here's presenting...
BB12 – O’hnowe’verunoutofOGnames!OGLs: Nicolas Sambor, Dylan Lee, Vanessa Chui

Message from the OGLs:Dylan!:HEY HEY YOU YOU BB12 I LOVE YOU <3
Haha, omg, it totally rhymes to avril lavignes girlfriend! Try singing it (:
Anyway, hello BB12, your hyperactive and big-mouthed OGL, Dylan speaking! Haha, I know I’ve probably already blogged about this on our lovely OG blog, but it’s alright, I can say it all again cause O’hno we’re totally awesome yo.
Orientation has been a blast with you guys, and I’ve only really noticed it after it all ended (because I was so really tired during Orientation). You guys were a really sweet bunch of OGLings that never failed to laugh at my quirky comments and cold jokes, and were always so ready to scream and shout and joke and do whatever nonsense we told you guys to do. I loved the fact that you guys were so spontaneous about your costumes, and helped me gel horns onto my hair ( which I took like three days of constant shampoo-ing to get rid of) ; loved the fact that you guys were so thoughtful in your gifts to us ; loved the fact that you guys really left pleasant memories with me, and that I smile whenever I think of the dumb stuff you guys did during Orientation. Aiyah, I just love the fact that I’m the OGL for BB12, and because of you guys, I have never regretted being a part of Orientation.
Orientation’s over, and life is starting to be like a vacuum cleaner for me and all the other J2s,but I know BB12 will still continue to have the fun and laughter that it had during Orientation, maybe even MORE! So don’t forget to ring us up whenever you guys are having a gathering or a outing or playing that game Huiyao introduced to us alright?
Much love, Dylan!
Vanessa!:Hi BB12! ♥
So it’s around 1 week since orientation passed, I hope all of you are enjoying school and having fun with your classmates! : ) And I think it’s really great that you guys are still so bonded and enthusiastic ♥, having so many lunches/meetings/games/crazy mass conversations from which your OGLs always have to leave because they have to study etc haha! And you guys even have a blog ( ♥♥♥
Anyway, I would just like to say a big thank you to each of you: Ashish, Bernard, Charlotte, Christabel, Daniel, Delaney, Ellyn, Hongbo, Hongfei, Hongxuan, Huiyao, Jaclyn, Joel, Kristabella, Melanie, Moses, Rachel, Roy, Shide, Yuting ♥ BB12 wouldn’t be the same without any one of you, really! You guys have been fabulous throughout the whole of orientation, always looking out for each other, being so enthusiastic about station games, war games, song&dance (!!! : D Song&Dance comm!), external activity and just… everything! Thank you guys for always being so cooperative, energetic, high and fun!!! ♥ I really do miss you guys so much ): I think my whole O’tiero experience wouldn’t be the same without you all, BB12’s the best OG any OGL could ask for ♥♥♥!
On a more personal note, I guess I just want to say that, really, treasure what’s left of your 2 years here all right! Make every moment count, don’t regret anything ♥ Also, I really hope BB12 will stick together, right through to the end of these 2 years as well as beyond : ) The first friends you made in RI(JC) are from BB12, treasure every single one of them and every single memory you guys had together : ) Keep going for more outings okay! And us OGLs will definitely join you (if you invite us!!!) when we have the time! ♥ I love you all very much, really, thanks for everything, all the wonderful memories, stupid conversations, our pretty gifts … everything ♥
Much love, Vanessa ♥
Sambor!:Heyheyhey BB12!!
Wow it’s only been little more than a week since Orientation ended but the memories remain fresh in my head (: all the laughing and fun really made me proud that I got to be the OGL of such a fun and happening bunch of people. I was pretty afraid that you guys would only remember me as Pinocchio and not really have anything to relate to me personally, but I guess all your words on the gift you gave us OGLs really reassured me that I’ve managed to make more friends, as it were.
Don’t stop meeting up so soon, cause that’s what really keeps OGs alive and kicking (: but more importantly, enjoy the JC experience! It’s two years to be savoured and I wish you the best of luck in your rapidly-growing lives. May BB12 stay forever in us!
Lots of love,
Labels: otiero
IHC Aesthetics!
Hello BBians!
As you can see from all the canteen decor and publicity going around,
IHC Aesthetics will be held next week! We do hope you all will participate enthusiatically and lend you house a hand in her bid to win the championships this year!
Should you want to signup for any of the events as shown below, please do email
Lets go all out and trump this season hands down!!
BBHouseD'0809, IHC Grassroots'0809
Monday, 16th IHC aesthetics opening
Start of IHC Photography
Submission deadline for Writer’s Guild
Submission deadline for IHC video
Time: 3-6.30pm
Venue: Amphitheatre
Tuesday, 17thRaffles Science Network Amazing Race
Chemistry Labs/
Math soc room/ classroom/
Lecture Theatre 5
Time: 3-6pm
Time: 3-6.30pm
Venue: Amphitheatre
ExoroGame Challenge (Entre)
Time: 2-4pm
Venue: LT2
Wednesday, 18thSpeakers Week
Time: 2-5pm
Venue: LT3/canteen
Chinese Chess
Time: 2-6pm
Venue: Amphitheatre
International Chess
Venue: Amphitheatre
Time: 2-6pm
Venue: B45/46
Time: 2-6pm
Venue: B45/46
Time: 2-4pm
Time: 2-7pm
Venue: Seminar rooms 3 and 4
Time: 2-3.45pm
Venue: Library
Thursday, 19thSpeakers Week
Time: 3-5pm
Venue: LT3/canteen
Shogi competition
Time: 3-7pm
Venue: Computer Laboratory 2
(para para)
Time: 3.30-6pm
Venue: amphitheatre
Time: 3.30-6pm
Venue: amphitheatre
French Connection
Venue: LT3
Time: 3.30-6pm
Time: 3-5pm
Venue: TBC
End of IHC Photog
Friday, 20thIHC video screening/voting
Venue: Canteen
Time: 2.30-6.00pm
IHC Photog open judging
IHC Writer’s guild judging.
Music Feste
Venue: TBC
Time: 6-8pm
(compulsory j1 event)
Labels: ihc
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hey BBians!
Ticketing for Drama Fest has begun! Please do support BB in our very own original production,
Blame it on the Moon! Drama Fest is a collection of plays by all the houses and is a significant part of Aesthetics IHC so please do show your support! :D
Drama Fest will be held on the 6th and 7th of March, Friday and Saturday (judging night) respectively, in the evenings. Friday tickets are $4, while Saturday's are $6! There are only 50 tickets available for each night so please hurry (:
If you would like to book tickets, please e-mail Amanda at Please include your name, class, and the quantity uou'd like to purchase (:
Labels: ihc
Featured OG: BB02 - O'ooglez
Hey BB-ians!
Our next OG featured is...
BB02 - O'ooglezOGLs: Ong Yan Han, Vinna Yip, Bertrand Lian

Message from the OGLs:HELLO O’OOGLEZ! :D
We hope JC life has been treating you well so far. It’s really awesome to know that the OG is still going strong! Woohoo we love you all so so much and trust us, we really want to return to the orientation days as well.
You all have been a very enthusiastic and spontaneous bunch, never failing to take the initiative and supporting one another all the way. It’s amazing how no one is ever left behind, because every one of you makes sure that it doesn’t ever happen. Station games, war games, EA and fashion parade – they just proved that you guys are such a passionate and excited bunch!
Every single one of you is special in your own way, and has contributed to the awesome-ness of BB02 in one way or another. (: Thao, Nissa, Cherie, Li Hui, Celestine, Ruth, Alicia, Aish, Yin Suen, Ethel, Charis, Beck, Chen Chen, Nigel, Marcus, Sampson, Keng Yong, Samuel, Yuxin, Ornan & Ruolin – what would BB02 be without any one of you.
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for blessing us with such great memories and a really wonderful orientation 09. You are The Best OG srsly. Hopefully orientation had provided a great beginning to your 2 years here in Raffles, and that it will be the first of more wonderful memories to come. Treasure the days you have here (especially the J1 days omg)!!! We know we’ve been saying this to you over and over again but you really don’t know how much life rocks as a J1 until it’s all over. So just enjoy all that you can, make many many friends, go hang out at the Hodge Lodge, play Captain’s Ball (haha you can go play with BB01!!), bask in the glory of having nothing to do, try out all the canteen stalls, make friends with Kenneth the 7-11 man, KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE OG (: But of course do study and work hard when you’re supposed to okay!
Whenever you’re feeling down/troubled/upset or happy/excited/crazy, remember that you can always turn to your fellow O’OOGLINGS! And of course your very lovely OGLs.
Finally, do keep up the cam-whoring spirit & please do not forget us.
With much love & hugs & kisses,
Vinna, Bertrand & Yan Han (:
Labels: otiero
Featured OG: BB11 - Oh'Isee
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Hey BB-ians!
Our next OG featured is...
BB11 - O’hIsee!OGLs: Sim Guan Chua, Rowena Ng, Lee Yan Sheng

Message from the OGLs:Hello BB11 O'hISee! ♥
You guys seriously rock!
Do you know how happy it makes us to see you guys still hanging around BB O'mes each morning, seeing you guys make the effort to meet each other whenever you can, enjoying each others' company! We're really glad to see you guys have bonded so well over the short 5 days of O'rientation, from the complete strangers you guys were at first.
Anw, we really had fun being your OGLs. Thanks for your enthusiasm, optimism, team spirit, fighting spirit, willingness to go all out for games, cheerfulness, sweetness, and for supporting each other (: It's awesome how you guys are always so co-operative and always take the initiative to get things done on your own! Like coming up with cheers, (even though we never got the chance to really hear you guys cheer), and volunteering to write our names with your butts! xD Your OGLs really enjoyed your company & we hope you enjoyed ours too (:
& even though O'rientation's over and its back to mundane hectic school life (J2s especially, we're dying), BB11 has not ended; its only just begun! Keep up the OG outings, gatherings, insane weird nonsensical but super amusing mass convos, go for all the BB events together, & we hope you guys will grow even more bonded than ever! (P.S dont forget to ask your OGLs along! (: )
Soffia, Eunice, Denyse, Hanyu, Candice, Jean Tan, Jean Lim, Esther, Zhang Jiao, Elizabeth, Ruici, Isabel, James, Abhi, Poh Sia, Shaowei, XiaPu, Zennon, Mark, Joel, Jonathan, we love every single one of you, you guys are like family. & even if the cold walls are taunting, whenever you call my name across the corridor, the madness of chasing dreams doesnt matter anymore (:
Featured OG: BB01 - O'mchichi Omchi
Hey BB-ians!
Next up, we have...
BB01 - O'mchichi Omchi!OGLs: Natalie Ong, Hijazi, Issac Ho

Message from the OGLs:Natalie!Helloooooooxzxz O’mchichi omchiiiiii (:
You know what, you guys really rock :D Right from the very first day, you impressed me with your open-ness and readiness to do anything we asked you to do! (: And I really hope you had lots of fun during Orientation, as much as we your OGLs did (: Sorry if anything fell below your expectations and I really wished I spent more times with you guys ahhhhh but in the end, all we really want is the best for you guys! Well, who doesn’t want a fabulous OG to have the best Orientation ever? So what was the best part for you? :D
Boo it’s a little saddening that Orientation’s over and we’re all back to lessons. But this doesn’t mean the END OF THE O’M CHI CHI YO YO! ;D
Each and every one of you - Laura, Vidhya, Yilin, Dawn, Cheng Chen, Jinyu, Lydia, Yilin, Sydney, Nicole, Mabel, Tian Yi, Jon Wah, Anh, Shou Jian, Li Hsuan, Jeremy, Cho Han, Dagong, Xuan De and Charles – you’re all beautiful souls :D It doesn’t matter if you aren’t the most rah-rah of OGs because I insist you have the BEST OG CHEER OUT OF ALL 60 OGS. It’s alright if you all don’t win EA or Station Games because you guys already have the BRAINS AND GUTS TO SNEAK YOUR WAY THROUGH THINGS AH. Love it when you all sit around for dinner and play all the hand games too, fills me with so so so much love seeing you guys sitting together enjoying yourselves! You’re all so nice and sweet, it’s been a terrific time talking to you all and it would be an utmost waste if it all ends now. So here’s to more OG outings and OG fun alright, O’mchichi omchi for the win :DDD
Hijazi!:Helllooooooo O’MCHICHI OMCHI! Jazi here! :D I missed you guys badly you know! ): I am still having orientation withdrawal symptoms lah; you know when i get bored during class, i will try and think what i was doing with you people last week during orientation until my classmates think that i have a screw loose or something lah XD.
Hope you people had an amazing fun time going through orientation and bonding with your fellow og-mates coz i know i enjoyed it man :D. Better enjoy your short two years in RI (JC) ah! Two years might sound like a long way lah but its going to come and go in a flash man! Go and have fun lah but always remember to concentrate on your studies as well ah! ‘A’ levels damn important hor! Hows your classes? Hope all of you are happy with your classmates ah. I hope O’mchichi omchi will continue to stay bonded even though you are all in different classes. You people are the best man; like seriously, sincerely, surely, definitely, truly, honestly ah! Hope to cya around often in school especially in the morns at the O’me and oso during OG outing yea (Better make one soon man; gt some OGs already have outing already ah!) Tong ah Tong ah! :D
Yo my beloved OG! Isaac speaking =D Do you know what was made me and your other OGLs super happy during Orientation? It was your keen participation and the smiles on your faces that made us really happy =) You know why! Coz alot of work has been put into preparing for your Orientation and seeing you guys happy is just satisfying =D You guys are great you know! Not the rah rah kind but you guys are responsive :P I ask you all to sit in alternating girl guy you ppl did it XD DO CHEER! Then there was our Omchi chi cheer resounding in everyone’s ears XD
I hope Orientation has been a truly rewarding experience for you all! Your OG mates are the first ppl whom you meet to have fun in this college and we certainly hope that you all will stay closer, get closer, be damn close to one another and be happy to crown them your good buddies okay! Of course we cannot force but you all certainly can try! Give one another a chance? If Orientation wasnt long enough for enough ice to melt, give yourself one or two more weeks! You all take the initiative to meet in the morning, meet for lunch, meet to go watch a movie or cycling while ur timetable still allows okay! REMEMBER TO CALL YOUR OGLS ALONG XD Nat Jazi and I believe so much in having a bonded OG coz we are from one and its really awesome if the OG sticks even after Orientation soooo make it happen okay OMCHICHI! HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS ALL TURN UP IN THE MORNINGS XD OOH OH and feel free to approach us to talk or anything okay! WE ARE NICE PPL =)
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