Hey BB-ians!
While all of you might be frantically signing up for IHCs to help our awesome house win this year, the OGs are still being featured every (other) day at least! So do still look out for messages from your OGLs!
But before this, please read this very important announcement!! As you should know already,
BB CIP is going to be on the
21st Feb 8am-12pm, so you MUSTTTT keep that date free and go greeeeen, especially if you have paid $10 during Orientation because it includes the CIP as well! So its going to be your loss if you dont attend!! I'll probably be posting up photos of our BB CIP dry run so that you all can have a sneak peak on what's happening on the 21st! :D
Okay! So now, here's presenting...
BB12 – O’hnowe’verunoutofOGnames!OGLs: Nicolas Sambor, Dylan Lee, Vanessa Chui

Message from the OGLs:Dylan!:HEY HEY YOU YOU BB12 I LOVE YOU <3
Haha, omg, it totally rhymes to avril lavignes girlfriend! Try singing it (:
Anyway, hello BB12, your hyperactive and big-mouthed OGL, Dylan speaking! Haha, I know I’ve probably already blogged about this on our lovely OG blog, but it’s alright, I can say it all again cause O’hno we’re totally awesome yo.
Orientation has been a blast with you guys, and I’ve only really noticed it after it all ended (because I was so really tired during Orientation). You guys were a really sweet bunch of OGLings that never failed to laugh at my quirky comments and cold jokes, and were always so ready to scream and shout and joke and do whatever nonsense we told you guys to do. I loved the fact that you guys were so spontaneous about your costumes, and helped me gel horns onto my hair ( which I took like three days of constant shampoo-ing to get rid of) ; loved the fact that you guys were so thoughtful in your gifts to us ; loved the fact that you guys really left pleasant memories with me, and that I smile whenever I think of the dumb stuff you guys did during Orientation. Aiyah, I just love the fact that I’m the OGL for BB12, and because of you guys, I have never regretted being a part of Orientation.
Orientation’s over, and life is starting to be like a vacuum cleaner for me and all the other J2s,but I know BB12 will still continue to have the fun and laughter that it had during Orientation, maybe even MORE! So don’t forget to ring us up whenever you guys are having a gathering or a outing or playing that game Huiyao introduced to us alright?
Much love, Dylan!
Vanessa!:Hi BB12! ♥
So it’s around 1 week since orientation passed, I hope all of you are enjoying school and having fun with your classmates! : ) And I think it’s really great that you guys are still so bonded and enthusiastic ♥, having so many lunches/meetings/games/crazy mass conversations from which your OGLs always have to leave because they have to study etc haha! And you guys even have a blog (www.sayohno.blogspot.com) ♥♥♥
Anyway, I would just like to say a big thank you to each of you: Ashish, Bernard, Charlotte, Christabel, Daniel, Delaney, Ellyn, Hongbo, Hongfei, Hongxuan, Huiyao, Jaclyn, Joel, Kristabella, Melanie, Moses, Rachel, Roy, Shide, Yuting ♥ BB12 wouldn’t be the same without any one of you, really! You guys have been fabulous throughout the whole of orientation, always looking out for each other, being so enthusiastic about station games, war games, song&dance (!!! : D Song&Dance comm!), external activity and just… everything! Thank you guys for always being so cooperative, energetic, high and fun!!! ♥ I really do miss you guys so much ): I think my whole O’tiero experience wouldn’t be the same without you all, BB12’s the best OG any OGL could ask for ♥♥♥!
On a more personal note, I guess I just want to say that, really, treasure what’s left of your 2 years here all right! Make every moment count, don’t regret anything ♥ Also, I really hope BB12 will stick together, right through to the end of these 2 years as well as beyond : ) The first friends you made in RI(JC) are from BB12, treasure every single one of them and every single memory you guys had together : ) Keep going for more outings okay! And us OGLs will definitely join you (if you invite us!!!) when we have the time! ♥ I love you all very much, really, thanks for everything, all the wonderful memories, stupid conversations, our pretty gifts … everything ♥
Much love, Vanessa ♥
Sambor!:Heyheyhey BB12!!
Wow it’s only been little more than a week since Orientation ended but the memories remain fresh in my head (: all the laughing and fun really made me proud that I got to be the OGL of such a fun and happening bunch of people. I was pretty afraid that you guys would only remember me as Pinocchio and not really have anything to relate to me personally, but I guess all your words on the gift you gave us OGLs really reassured me that I’ve managed to make more friends, as it were.
Don’t stop meeting up so soon, cause that’s what really keeps OGs alive and kicking (: but more importantly, enjoy the JC experience! It’s two years to be savoured and I wish you the best of luck in your rapidly-growing lives. May BB12 stay forever in us!
Lots of love,
Labels: otiero