Hey BB-ians!
Our next OG featured is...
BB02 - O'ooglezOGLs: Ong Yan Han, Vinna Yip, Bertrand Lian

Message from the OGLs:HELLO O’OOGLEZ! :D
We hope JC life has been treating you well so far. It’s really awesome to know that the OG is still going strong! Woohoo we love you all so so much and trust us, we really want to return to the orientation days as well.
You all have been a very enthusiastic and spontaneous bunch, never failing to take the initiative and supporting one another all the way. It’s amazing how no one is ever left behind, because every one of you makes sure that it doesn’t ever happen. Station games, war games, EA and fashion parade – they just proved that you guys are such a passionate and excited bunch!
Every single one of you is special in your own way, and has contributed to the awesome-ness of BB02 in one way or another. (: Thao, Nissa, Cherie, Li Hui, Celestine, Ruth, Alicia, Aish, Yin Suen, Ethel, Charis, Beck, Chen Chen, Nigel, Marcus, Sampson, Keng Yong, Samuel, Yuxin, Ornan & Ruolin – what would BB02 be without any one of you.
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for blessing us with such great memories and a really wonderful orientation 09. You are The Best OG srsly. Hopefully orientation had provided a great beginning to your 2 years here in Raffles, and that it will be the first of more wonderful memories to come. Treasure the days you have here (especially the J1 days omg)!!! We know we’ve been saying this to you over and over again but you really don’t know how much life rocks as a J1 until it’s all over. So just enjoy all that you can, make many many friends, go hang out at the Hodge Lodge, play Captain’s Ball (haha you can go play with BB01!!), bask in the glory of having nothing to do, try out all the canteen stalls, make friends with Kenneth the 7-11 man, KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THE OG (: But of course do study and work hard when you’re supposed to okay!
Whenever you’re feeling down/troubled/upset or happy/excited/crazy, remember that you can always turn to your fellow O’OOGLINGS! And of course your very lovely OGLs.
Finally, do keep up the cam-whoring spirit & please do not forget us.
With much love & hugs & kisses,
Vinna, Bertrand & Yan Han (:
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