Hello BBians (:
Hope everyone's geared up for the IHC season!! (: anyway, back to our daily featured OGs, next up, we have...
BB07 - O'utwitOutplayOutlast!OGLS: Louis Lim, Ngai Kuo Ying, Sadikin

Message from the OGLs:BB07 SURVIVORS!!! =D Don't you guys miss Orientation? Well, your OGLs sure do! (: More than being able to skip lessons to have fun, we miss hanging out with you guys! ): (hint hint: OG OUTINGS! xD)
Really, like we've already told you many times over, you guys have been such an awesome bunch of OGlings; we couldn't have asked for anyone better! (:
Right from Day 1, although you guys started out as relative strangers and naturally, were still rather shy and quiet, in the way you interacted with each other, you managed to erase any doubts and apprehension that we initially had about the OG - how it may not be bonded, unenthusiastic and essentially, like an OGL's greatest nightmare - dead. But of course, you guys gave us no cause for concern and turned out so different - worlds apart in fact! And in an absolutely good way. (:
Thank you for being ever-so enthusiastic and happening and fabulous and wonderful and awesome and not forgetting - retardedly amusing and entertaining. =D You really made O'tiero an amazing experience (though exhausting, but hey, you guys made it all worth it) for us! (((:
And of course, throughout Orientation and in all the activities, especially Station Games, War Games & External Activity, thank you for putting in your all and for taking the initiative to formulate strategies and encouraging each other, including your OGLs as well! Like how you were so pumped up for all the War Games, emerging 1st in two of three games we played. (well, we all know what happened to the other game...) That's a fitting testament of your efforts! xD
It's really really really heartwarming to see you guys so passionate and enthusiastic about the House. And thank you for being so patient and co-operative with us; we really appreciate it.
Well, treasure your short two years in JC, cos if you haven't realised, two years is a really short time and it passes soooo quickly. Just like how us OGls actually feel as though our own Orientation was just yesterday. And now, we're drowning in our school work. =/ So please, enjoy your J1 year as much as you can, cos once it's gone, it's believe it's gone forever...
We really hope that you guys stay close and bonded as an OG, even after we've graduated. Afterall, these were the very people you first got acquainted with in RI(JC). And that'd really be awesome, so please make it happen alright! (:
And if you guys need help, remember that there are always the other 18 of you to turn to, and the 3 of us OGLs as well. (:
BB07 - O'utwitOutplayOutlast! (:
Angel, Cheryl, Eleanor, Jacqueline, Karishma, Neerajha, Ling Min, Sirada, Vanessa, Ziyi, Fared, Johnathan, Jon Lim, Joseph, Jian Hang, Mark, Sng Yi, Yi Shu, Jun Sean,
Your (crazy) OGLS
Louis, Kuo Ying & Sadikin