As we celebrate BB's steady climb to the top, here's our next featured OG!
BB03 - O'inkOGLS: Rebecca Hoe, Nguyen Duy Tri, Toh Yi Long

Message from the OGLs:HEY OINKIES!
Feels like forever since Orientation ended, but we're super glad to see your pretty faces sitting together every morning at the 'Ome (: Even though JC life gets tougher by the day, the bonds that we have made will always be stronger, and you can always count on each other to be there for you each morning (: And even during class time, it's awesome that we get to call out to each other across corridors!
It's so amazing that you've managed to come so far, but we had no doubt you guys were able to make it through Orientation stronger than ever! From the very first night when you guys really put in the effort to get to know the rest of your OGmates, both guys and girls :O till the last where you stayed to super late just to savour the last minutes of Orientation for a little bit longer. The late nights talking tonnes of crap over dinner at expensive-but-air-conditioned Food Junction, trekking around Singapore during EA with barely a break in between for lunch, rushing here and there just so you could get more points for the OG, singing tunelessly in the RI canteen while cutting ears and twisting tails, playing bridge endlessly almost all over the place, cleaning pink spray paint off the floor of the RI canteen… There's countless of ridiculous yet fabulously fun things that we did that we hope we'll never ever forget, and the same goes for you!
Thanks so much for being the best, most splendid and superrrr OG we could have ever asked for! Thanks for being so enthusiastic about everything, putting in so much effort for EA, dance, costumes, Valentine's day, people's birthdays, super lengthy mass convos… the list goes on and on, and it's all the tiny little things that you guys do that make us awfully happy to have the opportunity to be your OGLs! We love you guys to bits and pieces!
As Orientation becomes but a distant memory (which will be in the distant future, we hope), remember to keep our OG photo in your wallet and the rest of the photos on your computer so that whenever you get lonely and nostalgic, you can just whip them out and stare at our gorgeous faces. The stresses of school life can start piling up pretty quickly, but BE STRONG and just O'ink at any obstacles you may encounter! And remember, we will always be there for you, no matter what.
Forever your loving OGLs,
Trioink, Yioink and Boink
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