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At the close of IHC Aesthetics 2010
99 - Bayley Waddle
90 - Moor Tarbet
76 - Buckle Buckley (:
76 - Morrison Richardson
74 - Hadley Hullett

last updated on 13th March 2010


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Angel Mortal Game for J1s!
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IHC Aesthetics 2010!
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Buckle Up!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

In a few years' time doubtless many of us here will be zipping around Singapore in trendy fuel-guzzling machines. Yes, a few more years and we'll be driving our own cars! But, as Buckle-Buckleyians, it's important that we don't forget our roots and learn to buckle up!

In Singapore, you can be fined for not wearing your seatbelt, which is definitely an incentive for not buckling up. Yet in recent years, this fear has died down, and many are now deciding to forgo the safety harness, perhaps because it is uncomfortable or because one is lazy, with possibly devastating consequences.

Did you know that Singapore has the worst road fatalities record amongst developed countries? In 2005, there were 6,706 accidents and injuries - of which 173 people died. In 2006, this rose to 7,499 incidents, and 190 deaths. Last year, it went up again - to 8,323 accidents, with 219 killed.

And, even if you trust the driver with your life, the same cannot be said for rest of the drivers on the road. Despite being certified, occasionally there are people who drink heavily or be suddenly incapable of driving (heart attack, maybe?). So, to protect your life and those of your loved ones, when you grow up and leave our dear college, remember the house you were in (:


(0) BBians have spoken.

Stand Up Buckle-Buckley!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Stand Up Take Action 2008 must undoubtedly have inspired many of you kind-hearted BBians to do your part in reducing poverty and inequality. Yet apart from ending poverty and hunger, did you know that another millennium development goal is to ensure environmental sustainability? In almost all areas of the world, valuable resources are being depleted at an alarming rate due to man's insatiable desire for wealth. The impact on our biodiversity and sanitation may mean that the Earth will lose its green and blue.

Environmental sustainability is closely associated with poverty; polluted waters carry diseases and trap those dependent on it in a vicious cycle of hospital bills. And having a resource that is not in danger of being depleted will provide a steady source of income. A more sustainable lifestyle will lead to a more sustainable environment, and vice versa, making the world a greener and better place to live.

We, not only as BBians, but as Rafflesians, Singaporeans, and citizens of the Earth, should take responsibility for our greenhouse gases and do our part in saving the Earth. It's the little things that make the biggest difference: switching off the lights when you are not using them (saves you money!); using the fan instead of the air-con (saves you money: electricity and that sweater); not using styofoam plates (did you know that styrofoam contains harmful chemicals that build up in your body?). There are other things you can do to improve sanitation and reduce biodiversity loss, like contribute to the Sanitation Project and not purchase items derived from threatened species (like sharks' fin).

Just like standing up against poverty, it doesn't take much to do your part in protecting the environment. And if you feel like inspiring that environmentally-loving side of you, here are some movies you can watch:
#1 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
#2 Wall-E
Feel free to add to the list!

Let us work together to make the world a better place!


(0) BBians have spoken.

Bean of the Week – Green

Monday, October 6, 2008

You probably know the origins of Buckle and Buckley, but how about the origins of our house colour? How about the origins of the word green? The colour green originates from grene or groeni in Old English, which are in turn very closely related to the word growan, meaning "to grow". Its probably pretty obvious that the growth of plants contributes largely to the relationship between "growing" and "green".

To the Muslims, green is a sacred colour; in Egypt, floors of temples are green, among the Greeks and Moors, it signified victory, Scottish Highlanders wore it as a mark of honour: Certainly, green is regarded with much reverence around the world (as it is in Raffles Junior College!).

So there we are, the very first Bean of the Week. Green – A colour symbolizing growth, honour and victory in so many different cultures. In the context of Buckle-Buckley, let us not merely wish for growth as a house but as members of the house, victory not just for BB but for each and every one of us.


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