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BB01 - O'mchichi Omchi!OGLs: Natalie Ong, Hijazi, Issac Ho

Message from the OGLs:Natalie!Helloooooooxzxz O’mchichi omchiiiiii (:
You know what, you guys really rock :D Right from the very first day, you impressed me with your open-ness and readiness to do anything we asked you to do! (: And I really hope you had lots of fun during Orientation, as much as we your OGLs did (: Sorry if anything fell below your expectations and I really wished I spent more times with you guys ahhhhh but in the end, all we really want is the best for you guys! Well, who doesn’t want a fabulous OG to have the best Orientation ever? So what was the best part for you? :D
Boo it’s a little saddening that Orientation’s over and we’re all back to lessons. But this doesn’t mean the END OF THE O’M CHI CHI YO YO! ;D
Each and every one of you - Laura, Vidhya, Yilin, Dawn, Cheng Chen, Jinyu, Lydia, Yilin, Sydney, Nicole, Mabel, Tian Yi, Jon Wah, Anh, Shou Jian, Li Hsuan, Jeremy, Cho Han, Dagong, Xuan De and Charles – you’re all beautiful souls :D It doesn’t matter if you aren’t the most rah-rah of OGs because I insist you have the BEST OG CHEER OUT OF ALL 60 OGS. It’s alright if you all don’t win EA or Station Games because you guys already have the BRAINS AND GUTS TO SNEAK YOUR WAY THROUGH THINGS AH. Love it when you all sit around for dinner and play all the hand games too, fills me with so so so much love seeing you guys sitting together enjoying yourselves! You’re all so nice and sweet, it’s been a terrific time talking to you all and it would be an utmost waste if it all ends now. So here’s to more OG outings and OG fun alright, O’mchichi omchi for the win :DDD
Hijazi!:Helllooooooo O’MCHICHI OMCHI! Jazi here! :D I missed you guys badly you know! ): I am still having orientation withdrawal symptoms lah; you know when i get bored during class, i will try and think what i was doing with you people last week during orientation until my classmates think that i have a screw loose or something lah XD.
Hope you people had an amazing fun time going through orientation and bonding with your fellow og-mates coz i know i enjoyed it man :D. Better enjoy your short two years in RI (JC) ah! Two years might sound like a long way lah but its going to come and go in a flash man! Go and have fun lah but always remember to concentrate on your studies as well ah! ‘A’ levels damn important hor! Hows your classes? Hope all of you are happy with your classmates ah. I hope O’mchichi omchi will continue to stay bonded even though you are all in different classes. You people are the best man; like seriously, sincerely, surely, definitely, truly, honestly ah! Hope to cya around often in school especially in the morns at the O’me and oso during OG outing yea (Better make one soon man; gt some OGs already have outing already ah!) Tong ah Tong ah! :D
Yo my beloved OG! Isaac speaking =D Do you know what was made me and your other OGLs super happy during Orientation? It was your keen participation and the smiles on your faces that made us really happy =) You know why! Coz alot of work has been put into preparing for your Orientation and seeing you guys happy is just satisfying =D You guys are great you know! Not the rah rah kind but you guys are responsive :P I ask you all to sit in alternating girl guy you ppl did it XD DO CHEER! Then there was our Omchi chi cheer resounding in everyone’s ears XD
I hope Orientation has been a truly rewarding experience for you all! Your OG mates are the first ppl whom you meet to have fun in this college and we certainly hope that you all will stay closer, get closer, be damn close to one another and be happy to crown them your good buddies okay! Of course we cannot force but you all certainly can try! Give one another a chance? If Orientation wasnt long enough for enough ice to melt, give yourself one or two more weeks! You all take the initiative to meet in the morning, meet for lunch, meet to go watch a movie or cycling while ur timetable still allows okay! REMEMBER TO CALL YOUR OGLS ALONG XD Nat Jazi and I believe so much in having a bonded OG coz we are from one and its really awesome if the OG sticks even after Orientation soooo make it happen okay OMCHICHI! HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS ALL TURN UP IN THE MORNINGS XD OOH OH and feel free to approach us to talk or anything okay! WE ARE NICE PPL =)
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