Gavel: Congrats and all the best to Ashish and Yong Sheng for making it into the finals of the impromptu speech category!
To the bridge ppl -- you guys were absolutely brilliant! great job for pwning everyone else, and congrats also to BB team 1 for being the champion team overall!
To the shogi participants -- even though some of you have never played shogi until lunch today, a job well done for securing third position! FYI: BB and MT were tied for second on points, but MT had 11 wins to BB's 10, so yeah, it was really close!
Photo essay competition (v important, read please!): visit for more details! Basically, there's three categories, the guild, the press and the combined category. Send your entries (each person is limited to one submission per category, hence a max of three submissions per person) to by 3rd March 2010.
Everyone, do try to submit essays, because each legitimate entry is worth one point, so it's a mass participation event! Of course, please ensure that the work is entirely your own (:
Day 2 of the ever-exciting IHC has concluded! The two events today were the Entre ExoroGame and the One Earth Green Race. Here are the results!
Entre -- 4th
Green Race -- 2nd
Check left sidebar for the current standings! BB is third at this moment! Not bad, keep up the good work everyone! :D
EXORO Game Participants with some House D members!
To the ExoroGame participants -- haha, even the organizers said you guys were the most creative, so great job for that! (he also said that you guys deserved an honorable mention for your ability to think out of the box :D) It was also great that the two teams colluded, resulting in BB team 1 being first overall!
Thank you Bernice, Huiyao, Ruolin, Shujian and Kenneth for your AMAZING performance during the GREEEEEEN Race! You guys did BB proud!
To the Green Race participants (heh myself included) -- thanks for being so enthu and high, sprinting from one venue to another! I personally think our cheer completely pwnzorz, great job on that! (pats self on back) :D haha and i'm sure we all had plenty of fun and laughter along the way too (:
All the best to all the bridge players, shogi players and gavel speakers competing tomorrow!
On a side note, BBq is happening tmr! Yay. Come down to the canteen at 4.30pm. If you can't make it at 4.30, don't worry, the event is all the way until 7.30! Wear your house t-shirt! :D
WHOA! IHC Aesthetics Day 1 has just concluded and what a ride it has been! From the ticking anxiety of International Chess IHC to the mind-numbing river-crossing of Chinese Chess IHC to the vivacious atmosphere of IHC Debates, BBians old and young male and female experienced and inexperienced (oops sounds dubious) united in a bid to do our house proud!
After almost 4 hours of IHC goodness, the breakdown is as follows:
Chinese Chess: 1st :D International Chess: 5th
And the house standings so far (w/o orientation IHC): BW: 9 BB: 7 MR: 6 HH: 6 MT: 4
To the amazing International Chess players: You guys put up such a good fight even though we were significantly disadvantaged due to a lack of experienced players. But despite being pitched against seasoned national chess team players, you guys still managed to press on, smile and have loads of fun! It was really heartwarming seeing you guys singing and making funny sounds and enjoying yourselves :):)
Arman the man! and Yutian! Came down even though they had virtually no experience, but lasting against national players for >10minutes (and ALMOST winning one game!) is a feat in itself! :) Thank you Armaan and Yutian! Our star player KHAIRI who won three games!! who had to leave for malay dance halfway but guess what, HE SHUTTLED BACK for every single game! Now that's what I call dedication! Thank you khairi! And of course, Bernard, Hanzhung, and Keng Yong for gamely sitting down to games of i-chess, you guys rock!!!! Will dig around more for your photozzzz!
To the mindblowing Chinese Chess players: You guys were phenomenal! You sure showed the other houses what tough stuff BB is made of! And as if being champions is not enough, you guys will forever be remembered as the ones who clinched the FIRST first position for IHC 2010!!! and of course, there will be more firsts to come yeah! :)
To the stylo mylo Debaters: Fantastic job! You guys really debated with flair, confidence and conviction, it was amazing just looking at how you all handle the IHC unfazed and with so much aplomb! BB is so lucky to have a team like you guys (more updates coming later, this writer did not stay at debates for long!)
THE GREEN RACE and EXORO GAME are on tomorrow, all the best for those who are participating!
And photography competition ends this Friday! Send your entries (theme is "dreams") to by this friday. Maximum three photos per person! go go go! :D
Photo essay competition has also officially started! Check out the posters around sch for more details!
Hello! Today's featured OGs -- BB02, BB03, BB06 and BB08! :D
BB02 G'achang Puteh
OGLs: Aaron Goh, Mark Tay, Hazel Tan
"Hey BB0(2 is better than one)!
It's great to have seen you guys warm up to each other over time! While you guys may have been quiet (relatively) initially, you guys really grew together, and it's great to know that. (: It's been really great getting to know you all and even more so with each time we spend with you all. You guys are the awesomest so let's keep our og going strong and as enthu as ever!! :D See you all in the morning at BB Grounds :D"
BB03 G'ara Gara Go!
OGLs: Justine Foo, Charles Tan, Gabriel Tan
"HEYYY BB03 ♥♥♥
Wow sure feels like forever since Orientation ended. We miss you guys alot :( Thanks for being super enthusiastic and fun during that short short time we were together, and we're really glad everyone got to know each other pretty well in the end. Haha we loved your spontaneity and sense of fun and initiative, especially the super fun first day/night, you guys warmed up real good to each other (fail honey I love you game :O) and then EA on the second day, y'all didn't give up and went around having loads of fun! and OG outing on sunday :):):) The last 2 days of orientation was so so so much fun! Especially during o'nite! Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves as much as we did! Terrorists/Injured ftw hahahah.
As G'alvea becomes a distant memory, please don't forget your fellow oglings and us k! Whenever you get nostalgic, whip your your OG photo/facebook your orientation photos, twiddle with your friendship band/stare at the card and think of the fantastic time Orientation was! WE HEART Y'ALL :):):)
STAY FIERCE, your ogls, justine gaby charles"
BB06 G'eek in the Pink!
OGLs: Alison Pua, Alicia Tan, Jonathan Ng
"Hey baby geeks!
Hope you guys have been having tons of fun since school began, it's awesome seeing you guys around school and having gatherings and lunches(: We really miss you and we hope that all of you are coping well with new CCAs and classes and all. You guys are the BEST OG-LINGS ever, and we're proud of how the OG spirit is kept alive. All the best for JC, and remember that we're only a phonecall away(:
Aly, Ally and Jonny"
BB08 G'o Go Power Rangers!
OGLs: He Yutian, Ng Lihui, Xu Ruolin
"Hello dearest Power Rangers with a Range of Powers!
Thank you for being such an absolutely amazing OG! Our times with you orientation and post-orientation have been mindblowingly exciting! You guys never seem to run out of energy, and it's really heartwarming to see you guys have so much fun during all your fun outings and muahtocking and whatnot :D You guys are really photogenic and good at acting cute (or maybe it's not acting xD)...YOU GUYS ARE VERY VERY CUTE! J1's gonna be an exhilarating year for you all, some of you may be joining council, joining school teams, and getting involved in all sorts of commitments...we say go ahead and have fun! And if you guys need any advice or an extra player for uh captain's ball (haha), YOUR OGLS WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU :)
Lots of love,
Luscious Lihui
Yummylicious Yutian
Ravishing Ruolin
BB08 OGLs 2010"
Look out for the other OGs, coming your way soon! :D
BB Days will be from tuesday till wednesday, 12.30pm onwards on both days (until around 4.30pm)! You can:
Find green ribbons around school to redeem food items, The Green Card and a complete set of BB Merchandise!
BB Gives Back -- Take a photo with your friends/OGmates/etc (all Houses welcome) and do your part for charity! $1 will be charged for each photo printed, with 60cents being donated to charity (:
Redeem food items if you are a privileged J2 who is holding on to The Green Card!
Aaaaaaaand wear your official BB house T-shirt on Wednesday! WOW!
BB Merchandise
Here's the catalogue!
Order through your classes starting from Monday!
Yup, BB House Party's here! :D and J2s can participate, contrary to popular (or otherwise) belief.
Here are the details!
Date & Time: 26th Feb, Friday, 4.30pm-7.30pm
Venue: Canteen
Price: $8 per ticket
J1s are to go in their OGs while J2s are to form tables of 10 and submit the name and classes of the people to You guys can take this opportunity to have an OG renuion! :D
Wear your house shirt, and register as a group!
Soooooo many things happening! 4 days to IHC Aesthetics! Btw, IHC Aesthetics signups are still on, so signup for events that you want to participate in! Either drop us an email at or sign up at the noticeboard in the canteen walkway! :D
Here's wishing all of you an exciting Chinese new year holiday with Big Bountiful Angbaos and a good rest! Glad to see you all enjoying yourselves during Take 5 Sandsational. Be prepared for a whole slew of activities that's gonna happen in the time to come! Meanwhile, savour your new year goodies as you indulge in our CNY edition of WASABI!
Hey there hot and green bbians! Want to continue our winning streak? Want to do your part for BB? Or just simply wanna have loads and loads of clean green fun? Then JOIN IHC AESTHETICS!
We are now opening signups for two major IHC events, MUSICFEST and DRAMAFEST!
MUSICFEST (5 - 6 March) All of you talented BBians out there who can compose, improvise, or play an(y) instrument(s), WE WANT YOU!Even if you don't do music, if you have an ear for music and can work lights, sounds and stage direction to the beat, we want you too! PS: Exotic and obscure instruments are extremely welcome too! sign up at the canteen walkway or reply to Joel Koh at with your name, class, hp number, email, and instrument(s) played! Those interested in being part of the Musicfest crew, do sign up too!
DRAMAFEST (12 - 13 March) Are you interested in lights, stage and action? Do you think you have a hidden talent in theatre? Or do you already have talent in theatre? THEN WE WANT YOU! We welcome all who's interested in acting, sets, directing, lights and/or sound! sign up at the canteen walkway or reply to this email, with your name, class, hp number, email and indicate whether you want to be in cast or crew!
SIGN UP QUICK, SIGN UP NOW!!! You know you want to be part of this :)
J1's: A hearty welcome to your new school term! Hopefully you're enjoying your introductory lectures and your gazillion free blocks right now. Orientation's been a blast for you guys and we hope that you'll keep in touch with all your fellow OG mates, and most importantly, continue to participate actively in all the events we have in store for you!
Here are some stats from interhouse games during G'alvea:
1st - BW
2nd - MT
3rd - BB/MR tied
5th - HH
As you all (should) already know, BB clinched the championship in the Wargames finale, bringing our overall standings as of now to 3rd place!
Without all you enthusiastic BBians, we would have never been able to achieve this. Thus we would like to thank each and every one of you for being so awesome! &Not to forget a big thanks to our dedicated team of OGLs who made G'alvea possible!
BB01: G'elek Gelek
OGLs: Karishma Kaur, Rebecca Liu, Benjamin Yap
BB02: G'achang Puteh
OGLs: Aaron Goh, Mark Tay, Hazel Tan
BB03: G'ara Gara Go!
OGLs: Justine Foo, Charles Tan, Gabriel Tan
BB04: G'ardenia Kaya Bun
OGLs: Julia Thong, Beatrice Loo, Elias Tiong
BB05: G'reat people who are too great to have a short OG name
OGLs: Ryan Lee, Daniel John Tan, Cheryl Saw
BB06: G'eek in the Pink!
OGLs: Alison Pua, Alicia Tan, Jonathan Ng
BB07: G'lee
OGLs: Ernest Wong, Chloe Lim, Sampson Lim
BB08: G'o go power rangers!
OGLs: He Yutian, Xu Ruolin, Ng Lihui
BB09: G'-force
OGLs: Ellyn Koh, Xia Hongfei, Pang Hongbo
BB10: G'oomchichi Oomchi
OGLs: Kenneth Yong, Kevin Sim, Sun Ying
BB11: G'yabo
OGLs: Gu Weite, Wang Tianyi, Goh Su Fen
BB12: G'ot skillz
OGLs: Tang Huiyao, Stella Low, Haran Kumar
Don't forget to watch this space for more updates and snapshots on Orientation '10, OG tagboards, as well as details on our upcoming BBdays and some cool new merchandise!
J2's: While studying hard, do look forward to our very own house party or try your hand at the upcoming IHC Aesthetic events. Whatever you do, don't forget to chill out sometimes!