WHOA! IHC Aesthetics Day 1 has just concluded and what a ride it has been! From the ticking anxiety of International Chess IHC to the mind-numbing river-crossing of Chinese Chess IHC to the vivacious atmosphere of IHC Debates, BBians old and young male and female experienced and inexperienced (oops sounds dubious) united in a bid to do our house proud!
After almost 4 hours of IHC goodness, the breakdown is as follows:
Chinese Chess: 1st :D
International Chess: 5th
And the house standings so far (w/o orientation IHC):
BW: 9
BB: 7
MR: 6
HH: 6
MT: 4
To the amazing International Chess players: You guys put up such a good fight even though we were significantly disadvantaged due to a lack of experienced players. But despite being pitched against seasoned national chess team players, you guys still managed to press on, smile and have loads of fun! It was really heartwarming seeing you guys singing and making funny sounds and enjoying yourselves :):)

Arman the man! and Yutian! Came down even though they had virtually no experience, but lasting against national players for >10minutes (and ALMOST winning one game!) is a feat in itself! :) Thank you Armaan and Yutian!

Our star player KHAIRI who won three games!! who had to leave for malay dance halfway but guess what, HE SHUTTLED BACK for every single game! Now that's what I call dedication! Thank you khairi!

And of course, Bernard, Hanzhung, and Keng Yong for gamely sitting down to games of i-chess, you guys rock!!!! Will dig around more for your photozzzz!
To the mindblowing Chinese Chess players: You guys were phenomenal! You sure showed the other houses what tough stuff BB is made of! And as if being champions is not enough, you guys will forever be remembered as the ones who clinched the FIRST first position for IHC 2010!!! and of course, there will be more firsts to come yeah! :)
To the stylo mylo Debaters: Fantastic job! You guys really debated with flair, confidence and conviction, it was amazing just looking at how you all handle the IHC unfazed and with so much aplomb! BB is so lucky to have a team like you guys (more updates coming later, this writer did not stay at debates for long!)
THE GREEN RACE and EXORO GAME are on tomorrow, all the best for those who are participating!
And photography competition ends this Friday! Send your entries (theme is "dreams") to photoihc2010.bb@gmail.com by this friday. Maximum three photos per person! go go go! :D
Photo essay competition has also officially started! Check out the posters around sch for more details!
Labels: IHC Aesthetics 2010