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At the close of IHC Aesthetics 2010
99 - Bayley Waddle
90 - Moor Tarbet
76 - Buckle Buckley (:
76 - Morrison Richardson
74 - Hadley Hullett

last updated on 13th March 2010


BB 28th Profiles!
Green Day!
Orientation 2008 - T'sparanza!
Angel Mortal Game for J1s!
House Meeting 310108!
Final OMG!

Orientation 2009 - O'Tiero!

Orientation 2010 - G'alvea!
IHC Aesthetics 2010!
Council Elections 2010

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Since Friday, July 13, 2007
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

A big thank you to all OGs and OGLs who came down on Friday for OMG! Thank you for making it a success :D

Here are the results!

In fourth place, BB04!

In third place, BB07!

In second place, BB08!

And the champion OG, BB09! Congratulations!

Now, a photo of our dear birthday boy yesterday, Ernest! :D Happy birthday once again :D

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