"Hey BB0(2 is better than one)!
It's great to have seen you guys warm up to each other over time! While you guys may have been quiet (relatively) initially, you guys really grew together, and it's great to know that. (: It's been really great getting to know you all and even more so with each time we spend with you all. You guys are the awesomest so let's keep our og going strong and as enthu as ever!! :D See you all in the morning at BB Grounds :D"
BB03 G'ara Gara Go!
OGLs: Justine Foo, Charles Tan, Gabriel Tan

"HEYYY BB03 ♥♥♥
Wow sure feels like forever since Orientation ended. We miss you guys alot :( Thanks for being super enthusiastic and fun during that short short time we were together, and we're really glad everyone got to know each other pretty well in the end. Haha we loved your spontaneity and sense of fun and initiative, especially the super fun first day/night, you guys warmed up real good to each other (fail honey I love you game :O) and then EA on the second day, y'all didn't give up and went around having loads of fun! and OG outing on sunday :):):) The last 2 days of orientation was so so so much fun! Especially during o'nite! Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves as much as we did! Terrorists/Injured ftw hahahah.
As G'alvea becomes a distant memory, please don't forget your fellow oglings and us k! Whenever you get nostalgic, whip your your OG photo/facebook your orientation photos, twiddle with your friendship band/stare at the card and think of the fantastic time Orientation was! WE HEART Y'ALL :):):)
your ogls,
justine gaby charles"--------------------------------------
BB06 G'eek in the Pink!
OGLs: Alison Pua, Alicia Tan, Jonathan Ng
"Hey baby geeks!
Hope you guys have been having tons of fun since school began, it's awesome seeing you guys around school and having gatherings and lunches(: We really miss you and we hope that all of you are coping well with new CCAs and classes and all. You guys are the BEST OG-LINGS ever, and we're proud of how the OG spirit is kept alive. All the best for JC, and remember that we're only a phonecall away(:
Aly, Ally and Jonny"
BB08 G'o Go Power Rangers!
OGLs: He Yutian, Ng Lihui, Xu Ruolin
"Hello dearest Power Rangers with a Range of Powers!
Thank you for being such an absolutely amazing OG! Our times with you orientation and post-orientation have been mindblowingly exciting! You guys never seem to run out of energy, and it's really heartwarming to see you guys have so much fun during all your fun outings and muahtocking and whatnot :D You guys are really photogenic and good at acting cute (or maybe it's not acting xD)...YOU GUYS ARE VERY VERY CUTE! J1's gonna be an exhilarating year for you all, some of you may be joining council, joining school teams, and getting involved in all sorts of commitments...we say go ahead and have fun! And if you guys need any advice or an extra player for uh captain's ball (haha), YOUR OGLS WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU :)
Lots of love,
Luscious Lihui
Yummylicious Yutian
Ravishing Ruolin
BB08 OGLs 2010"
Look out for the other OGs, coming your way soon! :D