Hey BBians, your house capt nominees are out! Please take some time to check out their responses to some of the questions we posed them! (:
HUIYAO!1. If you had to be any animal, what would it be?How about a DUCK? Haha random. Ok maybe not so random. If you know Chinese, then you will realize that my surname is the same the “surname” of Donald Duck’s Chinese name. =D Some of my friends have called me that since Primary school. But it’s not one of the more “common” ones. My friends really call me by a lot of names. For instance Yarrrrrrr, Huiyarrrrrr, Yao, (and last time) Huigey. And because in Chinese my name sounds like a lot of stuff, I’m also called “sugar can shake”, “rock sugar” etc. But I’m used to it now, after so long =D
2. Who would you want to meet if you could meet anyone in the world?Bono from U2! U2 makes fantastic music (not my favourite band though, my favourite would be COLDPLAY). One of my favourite songs is “sometimes you can’t make it on your own”. I guess Coldplay’s and U2’s musical styles are similar so that’s why I like both bands. Plus, Bono is extremely involved in humanitarian work (he cofounded ONE) and that’s what I think superstars should all be doing (with their large amounts of money). Oh, and his shades are very cool (he always wears them and the shades always seem different).
3. What alternative animals could represent bb?(there doesn’t seem to be a lot of animals that are green) I guess maybe a very fast turtle (well, it’s green!). And turtles can be seen as steady, strong and resilient, never buckling under the pressure. And I have pet turtles at home, they are actually very interesting creatures.
4. What does BB best stand for (besides buckle-buckley of course)Biggest Brain. There was a period of time when I was completely addicted to that game on facebook.
Boys’ Brigade
Big Ben (I’ve actually been there before yay)
Best Bet! That’s our campaign slogan =D! Can’t leave that out can I?
1. If you had to be any animal, what would it be?
I would be a polar bear. I can eat all I want without worrying, roll and play in the snow and finally be able to swim. PERFECT LIFE!
2. Who would you want to meet if you could meet anyone in the world?
Definitely Ellen Degeneres. It’s not just because she is one of the most natural entertainers in the business, but I admire her for her courage in showing her audience who she really is as a person. She has come a long way in her life after all her past jobs and experiences and I would like to know more about her.
3. What alternative animals could represent bb?
I would think the next best creature would be a centaur - a mythological creature that’s half human and half horse. Centaurs are fast, tough and strong, just like BB for we are a strong as a house and we persevere until we achieve our goals. Like a centaur that’s half-human, we may possess all these fiery qualities but most importantly, we hold on to the human side of ourselves.
4. What does BB best stand for (besides buckle-buckley of course)
BURNING BRIGHT. Which can mean a lot of things. In relation to house, as long as we are united, we will continue to triumph and shine even though there are obstacles in our way. In relation to life in general, it could refer to the desire to find purpose in our lives or it could be a simple declaration of love, like the flame in my heart will always be burning bright for you.
SOFFIA!1. If you had to be any animal, what would it be?Okaaayyy I think I'll be a monkey or a horse cos I can get really high and crazy sometimes! People call me 'duck' and 'giraffe' sometimes too, although I think it's more for their own entertainment hehe.But i think I want to be a wolf, they're pretty cool yo!
2. Who would you want to meet if you could meet anyone in the world?I want to meet my thirty year old self! :D hehe that would be really exciting righttt. okay or really freaky. but i think it'll be quite cool to know the future and what's in store yepp.
3. What alternative animals could represent bb?haha actually I don't think there's a specific animal that could actually represent BB cos we're such a diverse and unique house! Maybe those kind of mutated animals (but not the ugly ones heh). Like the head of an... eagle, body of a cheetah, height of a giraffe etc. okay I think it'll turn out really retarded! (x
4. What does BB best stand for (besides buckle-buckley of course)Best of Both worlds? Beauty and the Beast (haha!)