Thursday, June 17, 2010
Hey Everyone!!! (you really should be mugging for CTs instead of coming here but at least its better than Facebooking!!!!)
BTW, Spain lost ): but they'll still win!
Okay hope everyone's mugging hard and preparing and stuff and generally doing more revision than me!
Anyway, IHC Sports are COMING UPPPPP after CTs somewhere in August(i think!) so do study hard and then play hard for BB!!! (your favouritest and bestest house!)
And even before that theres probably going to be the OGL INTERVIEWS OMGOSH IM SOSOSOSO EXCITED ARE YOU EXCITED!!!!!! RAWRRRR!!!!!!
That said, be in the right frame of mind after Cts, which is, play harder! and do chip in with ideas on how to make IHC and Orientation funfunfun!
Love, BBHouseD2010!!!!! (yep, we're semi-officially-totally-crazily-nicely-sexily-awesomely in ACTION!)
The new BB House D! (and happy holidays :D)
Friday, May 28, 2010
HELLOOOOOOOOO! Happy Vesak Day, and happy June Hols too to everyone!
The new BB House D for 2010/2011 has been formed!
Front row L to R: Amos Liu, Wong Zhi Yuan, Amanda Goh (House Captain), Wang Yiru, Siti AdrianaBack row L to R: Gulshan Singh Gill, Rachel Lu (Vice President -- Houses), Alvan Ng
The new House D will only contain 7 people (Rachel is vice president and so is not part of the House D, but she's in BB! yay) instead of the current 8.
As this might very well be one of the last posts from the 2009/2010 House D *sniff :'(*, we would just like to say a very big THANK YOU to all BBians for your unwavering support and passion for BB over the past year (: It's been a pleasure leading this awesome house and working with you guys, thank you all so much for this wonderful experience :D we hope that you (especially the Year 5s!) will give the new House D your full support as they strive to see BB through another fantastic and boomz year. BB FTW!
To all Year 6s: the time for mugging has come...... All the best for the CTs, Prelims and MOST IMPORTANTLY the A's, jiayou everyone. Drink lots of green tea (cauz it's green. and cauz it's healthy), or if you want to, chicken's essence (but it's not green). ALL THE BEST (:
BB House D 2009/2010!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Here's a big thank-you going out to all volunteers who came down for the BB CIP last friday! Special thanks to the BB CIP I/Cs Lincoln and Bernice, BB House Comm and performers on the actual day itself!
Photos coming soon, watch this space!
Presenting to you the new BB House Captain!

Amanda with Soffia, the current house capt :D
BB House Capt and President Nominees!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hi all BBians! (this is more targeted to the J1s, but J2s do take a look too!)
The nominees for the new BB house captain, as well as the Council presidents are out! They are (sorry no photos, for now):
House Captain nominees
Amos Liu
Alvan Ng
Amanda Goh
President nominees
Rachel Lu (BB)
Priscilla Chew (MR)
Kirk D'Souza (MT)
Speeches will be made by the house capt and president nominees during assembly block this wednesday. All J1 BBians, please proceed to the ISH for the speeches! Yup, and voting will be done then too, so make sure you're there so you can have your say in who becomes the new captain and president!
Labels: council elections 2010