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At the close of IHC Aesthetics 2010
99 - Bayley Waddle
90 - Moor Tarbet
76 - Buckle Buckley (:
76 - Morrison Richardson
74 - Hadley Hullett

last updated on 13th March 2010


BB 28th Profiles!
Green Day!
Orientation 2008 - T'sparanza!
Angel Mortal Game for J1s!
House Meeting 310108!
Final OMG!

Orientation 2009 - O'Tiero!

Orientation 2010 - G'alvea!
IHC Aesthetics 2010!
Council Elections 2010

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IHC Aesthetics

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hello BBians!

IHC Aesthetics concluded with the closure of the last event, Dramafest (which BB got 3rd for).
As such, our great house, bucklebuckley, are now AESTHETICS CHAMPIONS!(:

Cliche as it may sound, thanks goes out to all of you out there who cared, who came down and participated, who check the blog religiously for ihc updates, and who wears the bb collarpin with pride(: Without you all these would not be possible.

But this doesn't mean we should simply bask in the glory of our victory. A House needs to be maintained - its spirit raised and its people involved. With the winding down of house activities for J2 cts, we hope all of you would not forget all the happy times shared with your housemates, and will continue to look forward to and support our upcoming initiatives(:

We promise to let BB be the most happening and exciting house ever in the history of RIJC, but to achieve that we need YOUR enthusiastic response(:

For now, just 3 things:
- cheer your hearts out tmr when Natalie will receive the championship trophy on behalf of the house,
- visit the blog often to check for updates and more exciting posts
- wear your collarpin to profess your love for our house!:D

Happy week before the holidays!


(more soon to come! visit the blog often to catch snapshots of you and your bb friends in action)






IHC Statistics
(Done by louis during math tutorial)
Lets wish louis all the best for his math CTs(:

On the wings of Courage(:
<3! BBHouseD'0809


(0) BBians have spoken.