Buckle Buckley 2008-2009!
BB House Directorate and House Committee 2008/2009
Hey BB-ians,
As we kickstart our term, we would like to ask you to join us in moving our house forward. This blog will be our avenue for regular updates, information, standings... Everything you would like to know about our house. We step into this new year as defending champions.
The IHC season is coming up so get ready for signups and updates right here. Here's a chance for you to get more involved in BB! For any of those IT-savvy and passionate BB-ians who would like to help spice up our blog, please send me an email with your name, class and contact number!
In the spirit of the post-CT depression :P here's a quote for you to ponder.
Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out of it alive anyway!
So remember to take a break once in a while and do something meaningful!
Koo Zheng Xuan
BB House Directorate 20082009
IHC Science/ Chinese Cultural Comp
IHC SIGNUPS have started for IHC Science and Chinese Cultural Comp. Please contact Tri at 91795635 for more details on how to be a part of all this!
Interhouse Championships Schedule
21st July
IHC Science
Location: LT4
Time: 3.30-5.30pm
22nd July
IHC Science
Location: LT4
Time: 3.30-5.30pm
Chinese cultural finals
Location: MPH
Time: civics block
23rd July IHC Science
Location: LT4
Time: 3.00-5.30pm
IHC opening competition
Location: amphitheatre
Time: 2-4pm
Location: Field
Time: 2.45-6.30pm
Location: Netball courts/ISH
Time: 2.00-6.00pm
24th JulyIHC Science
Location: LT4
Time: 3.30-430pm
Touch rugby
Location: RJ field
Time: 3.00-6.00pm
25th JulyIHC Science
Location: LT4
Time: 3.00-7.00pm
28th JulyWater Polo
RI swimming pool
Time: 4.15-7.15pm
29th JulyFloorball
Location: ISH
Time: 4.30-7.30pm
30th JulyVolleyball
Location: ISH
Time: 2.30-6.00pm
Table Tennis
Location: MPH
Time: 2-5.30pm
31st JulyFloorball
Location: ISH
Time: 5-6pm
Track and field heats
Location: Field
Time: 4.00-6.00pm
1st AugustWater Polo
RI swimming pool
Time: 1.45-3.15pm
Location: RJ shooting range
Time: 3.30-6.30pm
4th AugustTrack and Field heats
Location: Field
Time: 4.00-6.00pm
5th AugustFencing
Location: MPH
Time: 3.30-7.15pm
6th AugustUltimate Frisbee
Location: Field
Time: 2-6pm.
Location: ISH
Time: 2.30-5.00pm
(For students)
Track and Field finals
Location: Field
Time: 3.00-5.30pm
Location: ISH
Time: 1.00-3.30pm
(For teachers)
Location: Basketball courts
Time: 1.00-3.30pm
UPDATESABOUT BB - The latest information about the great Green!IHC - Updates about the interhouse championships coming your way!GRASSROOTS - Learn more about your House Committee 0809Check all these out on the navigation bar on your left!What are these links?
ABOUT BBInterested to find out more about Buckle Buckley and its origins? How about getting to know more about your fellow peers who work in this interesting organization called Buckle Buckley House Directorate? Hesitate no more and enter!
CALENDARInter-House Table Tennis Competition! Inter-House Pictionary Competition! Inter-house Track and Field 4x100m Relay! BB House Party! BB Oteamers' Outing! Confused about the order of events? Find out more about our BB schedule through this calendar!
INTER-HOUSE CHAMPIONSHIPSOh dear, you are playing Volleyball against another JC today, and as result, you will be missing out on the exciting IHC Touch Rugby finals! Ever encountered such a situation? Fret not! Beginning from this year, there will be updates available here!
CHEERSBuckle-Buckley Siapa Tak Nak Ka...loh? Buckle-Buckley Siapa Tak Nak Ka...li? Oh wait, it's Buckle-Buckley Siapa Tak Nak Kalah! Want to scream your hearts out for BB but can't remember the cheers? Click here to learn more about our house cheers!
BEAN OF THE WEEKWhat is this 'Bean of the Week' initiative all about? Basically, there will be a new story, joke, or any other interesting article updated weekly and all BB-ians are welcomed to contribute to our growing collection!
GRASSROOTSThere will be a competition coming up to rename our grassroots! Other than that, this area is for our beloved Grassroots members, to acknowledge them and allow more BBians the chance to know more about this exciting organization!