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At the close of IHC Aesthetics 2010
99 - Bayley Waddle
90 - Moor Tarbet
76 - Buckle Buckley (:
76 - Morrison Richardson
74 - Hadley Hullett

last updated on 13th March 2010


BB 28th Profiles!
Green Day!
Orientation 2008 - T'sparanza!
Angel Mortal Game for J1s!
House Meeting 310108!
Final OMG!

Orientation 2009 - O'Tiero!

Orientation 2010 - G'alvea!
IHC Aesthetics 2010!
Council Elections 2010

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Crest

Buckle Buckley’s mascot, the dragon, has long been associated with protection, strength and direction, qualities which subscribe to the overarching theme of courage. Our vision is that members of the house can achieve more through working together as one unit, and as our motto “on wings of courage” suggests, reach unprecedented heights and new peaks. In the process, individual Buckle Buckleyians can also go beyond their individual limits and achieve growth and development within the house structure.

The Mascot

The dragon is a positive force, representing power, excellence, and a benevolent force, that radiates goodwill. It represents knowledge, wisdom, and utilization of personal power for the benefit of all.

It is the independence, leadership and various strengths that we have as BBians that are brought together by our Dragon, ‘the unifying force that underlies the opposites’. We come together in spirit and with each of our unique qualities- form a house so strong. The fiery breath of the dragon symbolizes each breath we take to be one of ignited passion and drive. In itself the dragon is neither good nor bad, but symbolizes the energy upholding the house and it represents the coming together of matter and spirit.

Dragons are often known as creatures that have protected the earth for centuries, which we hope each BBian will do, in protecting our turf, and caring for every house member equally.


RGS Buckle
Ms. D.M Buckle was the principal of RGS from 1910-1937 and remains the longest serving principle of RGS. She made her mark as a trainer who produced teachers with high standards of efficiency, traits which she herself possessed strongly. She was also a strong advocate of advancements in education and is remembered for her strictness and ramrod-straight posture. She was so well-liked by her teachers that they were known to refuse offers of promotion for fear of losing the privilege of working with her.

RI Buckley
Mr. C.B. Buckley was Secretary to the Board of Trustees from 1883 to 1900. He was very interested in the welfare of the school children in
Singapore. He was popularly known as the "children's friend" and his annual Christmas party for children was attended by as many as 1000 children. It was a delightful feature of every Christmas celebration in Singapore. He met the entire cost of the publication, Rafflesian, in 1886.

House Values

Always positive with a strong sense of fun!

Dear BBians,

2009 promises to be a year to remember for each and every one of you! Experience what life in Junior College is all about through fighting for the glory of the House - through sporting and aesthetics competitions! Take the time now to make new friends and consolidate old ones - the bonds forged during this short 2 years serves to remind us all of the happy memories years down the road.

Your OGs are the first step to making your experience in BB one to savour. These few days promise to be packed with adrenaline-pumping activities that characterise every new student’s life in Junior College. Yet, such days inevitably become fewer as academic and other commitments threaten to swamp you. What more reason, then, to make sure that dates in your calendar are marked out for a variety of fun reasons - OG outings, House Parties and the like! Add that to all the stuff BB’s got in store for you (which of course remains a secret for now (: but you’ll know soon enough) and you know life in BB House is going to be loads and loads of fun!

We trust that this House Organiser will go a long way to ensuring that your journey in Junior College remains fond and memorable, and that your love for the House may grow in tandem with your journey through the next two years. Keep your eyes peeled for fun coming your way!

Much love from us all,

Buckle-Buckley House Directorate and Grassroots 2008-2009

(0) BBians have spoken.