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At the close of IHC Aesthetics 2010
99 - Bayley Waddle
90 - Moor Tarbet
76 - Buckle Buckley (:
76 - Morrison Richardson
74 - Hadley Hullett

last updated on 13th March 2010


BB 28th Profiles!
Green Day!
Orientation 2008 - T'sparanza!
Angel Mortal Game for J1s!
House Meeting 310108!
Final OMG!

Orientation 2009 - O'Tiero!

Orientation 2010 - G'alvea!
IHC Aesthetics 2010!
Council Elections 2010

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Since Friday, July 13, 2007
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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Buckle-Buckley House Directorate & House Committee 2008/2009

The BB House Committee, known as the BB Grassroots are a bunch of enthusiastic and hardworking people who are willing to go the extra mile to help organise house initiatives for the welfare of all you BBians out there! This year, the grassroots have taken on a revamped role, and selected after a stringent interview process. The current Grassroots system splits the members up into various house events which they are keen to help in. They will then assist the House Directorate like a non-council House Comm.

Some of the activities the Grassroots of 2008/2009 have helped to organise and carry out so far are the BB-HH combined post promos party, BB Goes Green, BB OMG, as well as publicity inititatives such as blog maintenance, WUTTW, and not forgetting, IHC sign-ups!


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