Day 4 of orientation comes along, and it is The Last Day!
J1s reported to the hall nice and early in the morning and got to know their Civics classes! As the J1s tottered off, OGLs moved off to prepare for the very next segment,
House T-shirts were distributed to the J1s to be worn during war games, and the ISH was a sea of green blue yellow purple red! A quick briefing by the ICs, and off the OGs went, all ready and eager to do their best for their house in order to gain the lead in the INterhouse Championships!
War games was a blast - OGs shouting themselves hoarse, running around like crazy, laughing all the way! Strip Me If You Can, Tower Rush, The Uprising and Pacman rocked :)

After all that high during war games, OGs left for Free & Easy! Some stayed in school for auditions for o'nite, others decided to have a game of Captain's Ball; a couple of OGs went out of school for lunch instead!
At 5pm sharp, all the OGs reported back to school at the MPH, just in time for... o'nite! All the OGs were dressed up in costumes! Some chose the nerdy look, some went for Ah Bengs and Ah Lians, others even coming in pyjamas!
O'nite was a blast, and orientation was nearly reaching its end, with the ending of Storyline, IHC closing (
Buckle Buckley currently ranks in third place for IHC!), and OGL dance and OGL skit!
However, there was one last segment - FINALE!
As the J1s poured out of the MPH and onto the parade sqaure, highlights committee was all prepared to end off orientation with a BLAST! A round-up of all that the J1s have gone through in the past four days was done, and their beautiful Batch Tapestry was presented to them, together with the burning flames of T'SPARANZA.

Orientation finally came to a close with the closing speech by our Principal, Mrs Lim, and Orientation ICs Hwee Leong and Linxi, and of course, the college anthem and a bout of roars and screams as we brought the house down with Raffles Cheers!
Orientation has come to an end, but this is only just the beginning for the J1s, the start of so much more! So here's wishing all J1s all the best in your journey in RJ, make the best of your time here! :)
Love, BB housed!
Psssssst this is really quite anti-climatic, but here's the Picture of the Day!

Labels: orientation